It's been quite the week! Yet again! The best thing right now is our area! It's been kind of a tradition in our mission that the assistants' area wasn't that great, but we're doing all we can to find the right balance between office-type work and field-work. I think we're making some progress! I love being with Elder Stroud; we're setting some high goals for ourselves and it's fun always trying to improve the way you do missionary work.
We've seen some serious blessings this week! For example, Claudia (our date for the ninth) is rolling. She's super set, reading in 2 Nephi 6, and can't wait for her baptism. We asked her for references this week and she talked to us about her 17 year old niece, Cielo, who she proceeded to invite to the next lesson. Well, she's also super prepared! This week they both came to church and had a great experience.
We also got contacted in the street by a lady named Cecilia! She just came right up to us and explained that her brother is a member in Utah and advised her to "go find a Mormon bishop" to feel peace in her life! She searched for a church building in Chiclayo, but they were all closed! She kind of gave up hope and came back to Trujillo. This week, she went to buy bread, but for some reason felt to go to a different bakery than usual! Well, there we were, right in her path! We taught her today and she's really humble and willing to act on our message!
We had a Leadership Conference Thursday morning, for which President had us translate a bunch of documents from English to Spanish. You'd think that would be simple, but the problem was keeping the same look and format while adding a bunch of words (Spanish usually uses lots more words than English)! So that was another interesting task haha! The conference went really well though, and then we capped off the week by giving six one-hour trainings yesterday during interviews. You'd think that just standing in one room and training all day would be easy, but it's strangely draining! We came back from Chimbote pretty dead yesterday haha!
Thanks again for all your love and support and prayers! I love you all and hope you have great weeks!
Elder Hart